Find Patient

Get a list of all submissions by Patient Name or Record ID

Get a list of all patient submissions


Path Parameters

Query Parameters

    submissionId: number,
    practiceId: number,
    formUuid: string,
    recordId: number,
    demographics: {
        firstName: string,
        middleName: string,
        lastName: string,
        preferredName: string,
        sex: string,
        birthday: string,
        email: string,
        primaryPhone: string,
        cellPhone: string,
        address: {
            address: string,
            address2: string,
            city: string,
            state: string,
            zip: string

If you are seeing multiple patient records of the same name, ensure that you form has a DOB field named "birthday". In order to match patient records and ensure submissions are going to the same patient record, firstName, lastName and birthday are the matchers.

Get a list of all submissions by Record ID


Query Parameters

    submissionId: number,
    practiceId: number,
    formUuid: string,
    recordId: number,
    demographics: {
        firstName: string,
        middleName: string,
        lastName: string,
        preferredName: string,
        sex: string,
        birthday: string,
        email: string,
        primaryPhone: string,
        cellPhone: string,
        address: {
            address: string,
            address2: string,
            city: string,
            state: string,
            zip: string


For additional security, when you are testing using the test access tokens, you will not be able to retrieve any PHI data. The only data that will return is the firstName and lastName variables. The remaining variables with simply return a string of the key name.

Last updated